mandag 9. juli 2012

Moroccan desert

So I had the good fortune of traveling through Morrocan desert-land. Witnessing a great landscape and experiencing not so great temperatures for a norwegian. More than 40 degrees celsius is a bit too much for this guy. Later in the evening my head felt like it had been hit by a bat (type baseball). It is a very bright lighting naturally, so that is important to think about when taking pictures.    
The first thing I noticed was the amount of grasshoppers around. They were everywhere and different species.

Identification will be up shortly,

Here you see the great camouflage they use. I had to see them move to find them. 

And here on cactus as I am talking about a desert habitat had to have that. This cactus was actually long time ago planted to serve as a fence. Much better than any barbed wire I have ever seen. On the same fence of cactus i found this net   

This aturally made me search untill i came across this beautiful spider

Right here and now i do not have the genus here due to lack of litterature. Tomorrow i will have a name here.

Crawling on the ground was the only reason why i was able to see this detail on the ground. Sadly there was no spider in there, however i am confident that this was the home of a trapdoor-spider.

Walking in the same area I saw in the corner of my eye, something running fast on the ground. I must admit that for a split second i thought it would be my first live cicindelidae, but I was also equally happy to see it was the strangest Mantodea i have ever seen. I will come back with a better identification shortly 

Ok that is it for this time i will have more...much more verry soon

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